I miss when my hair was that long, i do soooooo much. My hair was my pride and joy (wow laura get a life) It's taking so long to grow. Well maybe if i stop cutting it off.Jeez and crackers.
On another note. Vegas was so much fun. Kelly concert=AMAZING. I wish December would hurry up so i could see her again. But this time i'll have my honey with me mmmhmmm <3. She really knows how to put on a fantastic show. I danced and sang soo much. When the concert was over i was like Whew i'm tired! The poor lady next to me probably hated me. But whatev..i was havin a blast! I don't know how many different hotels we went to but it was a lot. Some of them (most of them) were amazing inside. I can't wait to go back when i'm old enough to drink and gamble. December 31st, 2010...mark your calendars cause i'm going back to Vegas! This is who i would bring with me....Bry, Deb,BC,Bridge, B and Jenn and her husband maybe? haha i refer to him as "her husband" now since that's what mom always does. It'll be great. We'll go out to eat at a fatty buffet (the Rio) then we'll go gambling and then we'll go out for drinks, then we'll go out to a crazy night club then we'll leave and just walk around Vegas drunk. Then we'll go back to the hotel and we'll all take a shower together hahahahahaha NO NO JK JK JK. Maybe just a few of us. It'll most likely just end up being me, bry and deb showering together haha. Then we'll all get cozy in our beds. BC and i will snuggle up. Then we'll wake up and do it all over again. See...it's that simple. 2010 hurry up!
Well its back to school for me tomorrow. I got the week off from work. I guess they're afraid i'll contaminate everyone with my Swineyness (that i DON'T have anymore) Oh well. Possibly going to Shawn Yoshida's surprise B-day Tuesday night. Will hopefully see my baby this week. B-Bizzle is coming down for her B-day so Disneyland is happening too. So much going on. Life's good. God is good.
OK off to mee mees now.
<3333333 Laurita
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